Tax and financial measures associated with COVID-19Employment-related measures
Working hours reduced employee
- Subsidy for training program up to NTD$18,960
- Subsidy for reduced salary up to NTD$66,000
- Immediate work plan: Subsidy salary up to NTD$ 75,840
Job loss
- Unemployment benefits: 60% of average monthly insurance salary
- Tuition subsidy for children of unemployed
- Subsidy for working environment improvement
- Worker life balance Subsidy
- Defer labour insurance premium and pension payment: payment deferral without penalty
- Training program Subsidy
Economic stimulus measures
Financial relief
- Policy Lending Package: Support SMEs funding
- Loan Extension: Companies or individuals can apply to defer principal repayment or extend loan.
- Credit card payment deferral: Individuals can apply to defer card payment without penalty and interest.
The measures of reducing interest rate from public banks
- Residential Loan : 2020/4/01-2020/9/30, 0.5% lower within NTD$10 million
- Consuming Loan: 6 months since 2020/4/1, 0.75% lower within NTD$10 million (including credit card, unsecured loan, car loan)
Rental concession/adjustment
- Rent payment deferral for National property until the end of 2020.
- Rent/royalty payment deferral and extension of construction and operation in promotion of private participation in infrastructure projects (PPPIP)
Deferral of tax payments or by instalments
Taxpayers having difficulties to make tax payments due to COVID-19 may apply for deferral of tax payments for a maximum of 12 months or by monthly instalments of up to 36 months:
For business entities
Having significant decline in business revenue –monthly turnover dropping by 15% or more for two consecutive periods
For Individuals
Under no paid or part paid leave scheme implemented by employer affected by COVID-19
Suffering from other situations due to COVID-19 (e.g. wage cut, lay off or having monthly working days dropped by 50% for two or more months).
Applicable taxes
Individual income tax, individual house and land transactions income tax, corporate income tax, VAT, commodity tax, liquor & tobacco tax, specifically selected goods and services tax, house tax, land value tax, vehicle license tax, and relevant interest and penalty of these taxes.
Filing deadline extension
Corporate and individual income tax purposes are postponed from 31 May to 30 June 2020.
Corporate income tax 200% deduction on certain salary expenses:
- Salaries, wages, service pay and other regular compensations paid to employees under any one of the following reasons:
- Under quarantine or isolation order from the various level of health department and authorities.
- Taking care of dependent family members who is under quarantine and isolation order; or
- Upon receiving special instructions from the epidemic command centre of the central government.
Subsidy for certain business having significant decline in business revenue –turnover dropping by 50% or more:
- Subsidy for salary: up to NTD$60,000 per employee
- Subsidy for business operation fund: NTD$10,000 per employee (according to the number of employees).