South Africa
HLB South Africa
HLB South Africa provides services for a wide range of clients, both domestic and foreign. No matter where you are based, or what field you work in, we can provide you with advice you need to flourish in the South African economy.
Our accountancy and auditing teams provide clients with a comprehensive range of world-class services -including audits of company financial statements, trust accounts and other records as well as statutory and forensic audits. Our auditors are able to draw upon extensive experience in both public and private sector auditing.
The South African tax system is complex and constantly evolving. The advice provided by our tax professionals is always consistent with latest developments and trends. In particular, corporation tax will represent a substantial part of your trading costs and time. HLB South Africa specialises in helping clients minimise their corporate tax exposure, relieving them of the administrative burden of complying with legislation.
In addition, our advisors can provide clients with advice and assistance on start-up of a new business and consulting on relevant topics of importance to specific clients.

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Company Secretarial
Financial audit