Leon Janks appointed HLB USA Chairman
LOS ANGELES – HLB International, one of the leading global accountancy networks with a presence in 130 countries has appointed Leon Janks as the chairman of HLB USA.
As managing partner of Green Hasson Janks, a Los Angeles-based HLB affiliate, Leon has over 30 years of experience in the areas of audit and accounting, tax planning and general business consulting. He advises his clients on matters related to strategic planning, profitability, mergers and acquisitions, and buying and selling businesses. Leon serves clients in a wide variety of industries, including non-profit, manufacturing, distribution and retail.
“I am honoured that HLB International has entrusted me with this exciting opportunity. Our firm has been a member of HLB for over 25 years and I am looking forward to leveraging my international experience and knowledge to help position HLB for future growth and success.”

About HLB
HLB International is a global network of independent advisory and accounting firms and through the power of 46,755 professionals across 157 countries, we combine local expertise and global capabilities to service client’s needs. Learn more about HLB’s global services and capabilities: www.hlb.global
HLB refers to the HLB International network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see www.hlb.global/legal for further details.
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