HLB International launches new brand
LONDON – On Monday 1 October 2018, HLB International launched its’ new corporate brand, including a new logo, tagline, website and overall look and feel, to support the network’s transformation to a modern, full service advisory and accounting mid-tier network.
The new brand reflects HLB’s commitment to its member firms and the international clients the network serves. The new tagline ‘Together we make it happen’ illustrates HLB’s philosophy that collaboration between member firms and a close relationship with the client leads to the best results and added value for all parties involved. It also hints at HLB’s corporate culture of creating a diverse and inclusive workforce with talent from a broad range of backgrounds and skill sets. HLB recognises its people are its strongest asset. ‘’This new brand underlines the global growth the network is undergoing.’’ Corney Versteden, Global Chairman of HLB International explains: ‘’In the past 5 years, our network revenue has grown by 40%. I believe we have accomplished this through the power of working together. The technical knowledge and expertise we share among our members, combined with our relationship and leadership skills empowers us to raise our professional standards and provide the true HLB client experience. It doesn’t matter if you’re working with us in for example The Netherlands, the USA, India or anywhere else.’’

About HLB
HLB International is a global network of independent advisory and accounting firms and through the power of 46,755 professionals across 157 countries, we combine local expertise and global capabilities to service client’s needs. Learn more about HLB’s global services and capabilities: www.hlb.global
HLB refers to the HLB International network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see www.hlb.global/legal for further details.
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