HLB International hosts successful annual conference in Scottsdale, Phoenix
SCOTTSDALE – HLB International’s annual conference brought together 100 professionals from 33 countries in Scottsdale, Phoenix from 19 to 22 October.
The conference explored how to inspire leaders in a multigenerational world and featured presentations that explored the challenges today’s leaders face while working in this new environment.
As well as insights from HLB International member firms, the conference presented three, well-received, key note speakers. David Cieslak, a principal from Arxis Technology discussed new technologies, the latest technology trends and security concerns. Heath Slawner, a leading name in strategic communication and leadership, inspired the audience with his presentation on ‘Start with why- how to lead a business built on trust’. Lastly, internationally renowned speaker and generational expert Phil Gwoke underlined the importance of what can happen in business when generations connect.
Presentations from HLB member firms also educated the audience, with HLB USA firm’s Withum presenting on ‘managing millennials’; Smith & Gesteland discussing the ‘80/20 for business life’ and Eide Bailly presenting an introduction to Arizona.
HLB has developed a good presence across North America with the network comprising firms: Berry Dunn; Burton McCumber & Cortez, LLP; Dworken, Hillman, LaMorte & Sterczala; Eide Bailly; Green Hasson Janks; HLB Cinnamon Jang Willoughby & Company; HLB Gravier LLP; HLB Gross Collins; Millard, Rouse & Rosebrugh LLP; Miller Wachmann LLP; Redpath and Company; Rhodes & Associates; Seiler LLP; Schwartz Levitsky Feldman LLP; Smith & Gesteland and WithumSmith+Brown.
CEO Rob Tautges commented on the conference’s success: “Our International Conference delivered a programme designed to meet the future needs of our members. The knowledge and expertise presented during the conference will enable them to continue to deliver solutions not only to their clients, but to their staff also.”
HLB International holds a number of international and regional conferences every year, which are an opportunity not only to hear about the latest updates in the profession but also for HLB professional to network together and get to know each other personally. Close, personal relationships between HLB members contribute to making HLB a personalised and cohesive network, allowing for the smooth running of clients’ business across borders.
About HLB
HLB International is a global network of independent advisory and accounting firms and through the power of 46,755 professionals across 157 countries, we combine local expertise and global capabilities to service client’s needs. Learn more about HLB’s global services and capabilities: www.hlb.global
HLB refers to the HLB International network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see www.hlb.global/legal for further details.
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