HLB announces strategic technology partnership

29 August 2019

LONDON – HLB, the global advisory and accounting network, has announced a strategic partnership with Inflo, a leading supplier of accounting data analytics who are transforming the world of accounting. This exciting new partnership will help HLB’s independent member firms provide an enhanced and consistent service experience for its people and clients worldwide.

Following on from a successful 2018 which saw a record 15% growth, HLB continues its transformation towards the future. Technology is at the heart of this and represents a core component of what member firms are investing in to increase their online presence and continue to deliver engaging and valuable client experiences.

Inflo is empowering accounting firms with revolutionary computing intelligence. It extracts data from the accounting system of an organisation, transforming the value proposition of audit, tax and advisory services for accounting firms of all sizes. Firms can leverage financial data to provide new analysis techniques and unique business insights. Clients receive a more collaborative service based on analysis of 100% of their organisation’s activities, unlocking deeper business intelligence enriched by insights from experienced advisors. Accountants work more collaboratively with clients and spend more time solving business challenges.

Marco Donzelli, HLB Global CEO, says “HLB is one of the mid-tier networks with technology firmly at the heart of its development strategy. Partnering with Inflo allows HLB firms across the world to enhance traditional accounting services and provide new offerings to clients by embracing emerging technologies.”
Inflo Chief Commercial Officer Mike Bowman said “Strategically evaluating and implementing emerging technologies is a key priority for accounting firms across the world. Networks can play a key role in this process, helping member firms to quickly get started and creating broader value from collaboration and knowledge sharing. Leaders within HLB recognise this and are demonstrating a focus on promoting the growth opportunities available. We are delighted to be partnering with HLB.”

About HLB

HLB International is a global network of independent advisory and accounting firms and through the power of 46,755 professionals across 157 countries, we combine local expertise and global capabilities to service client’s needs. Learn more about HLB’s global services and capabilities: www.hlb.global

HLB refers to the HLB International network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see www.hlb.global/legal for further details.

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