Green Hasson Janks publish nonprofit, food and beverage and entertainment whitepapers
LOS ANGELES – Annually, Green Hasson Janks publishes industry whitepapers based on surveys, research and interviews with thought leaders that highlight emerging trends and provide insight into the nonprofit, food and beverage and entertainment and media sectors.
The 2017 Nonprofit Whitepaper, The Give and the Get: The Future of Philanthropy, (released at the firm’s 2017 Nonprofit Conference) takes a look at the current nonprofit landscape and the state of equity in the sector. The report shares ideas on pressing issues that impact the future of public charities and private foundations. Even in an uncertain political climate, one philanthropic priority remains constant — the desire to create lasting, meaningful impact.
With changing government priorities and uncertain future funding, there is an expectation that many grantmakers will play a different role than they have in the past — going beyond traditional grantmaking. At the same time, there is an expectation that grantees will increase their advocacy and capacity building efforts. For this year’s whitepaper, Green Hasson Janks explored this new world of philanthropy with esteemed subject matter experts.
This exploration would not be complete, however, without considering equity. A shared definition of equity is elusive, since it goes beyond diversity, inclusion, or equality; however, our subject matter experts have shared their insights and provided examples of an equity focus in action.
The 2017 Food and Beverage Whitepaper,
Future of Food: Meeting Consumer Demands with Sustainable Resources, (released at the firm’s 2017 Food and Beverage Forum) explores how consumers are driving resource trends that are shaping the food and beverage industry. We asked a cross-section of food industry executives about their views on social responsibility and sustainability.

Within the food and beverage industry, social responsibility is clearly perceived as an important value, with 77 percent of our survey respondents reporting that they have changed or added products based on consumer sustainability concerns. In addition, our subject matter experts, quoted throughout this whitepaper, overwhelmingly felt that those companies with a commitment to social responsibility do better in the marketplace.
This year’s survey and subject matter experts agree: People want to do business with organizations that do well by doing good. Socially responsible organizations are role models, and they are in the right position to attract the best customers and talent.
The 2017 Entertainment and Media Whitepaper, The Evolution of Profit Participations, (released at the firm’s 2017 Entertainment and Media Forum), dives into how PVOD/ SVOD, technology and globalization is impacting the entertainment landscape. The report sheds light on how streaming media services, technology and globalization have shifted deal structures that ultimately impact profit participations.
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