Ditta Hlaváčková from HLB PROXY wins top national Tax award
PRAGUE – Ditta Hlaváčková, Partner at HLB International’s Czech Republic firm HLB PROXY, has been awarded the Biggest Tax Star (Individual Income Tax) in the 2015 Tax Advisor & Tax Company of the Year Awards.
Now in its 6th year, the awards recognise the best specialists in the different tax categories as well as the most tax payer’s friendly department of tax administration. Tax professionals and concerned laymen choose between 100 nominated tax advisors and specialists. The votes for Best Tax Company are chosen from 200 departments of tax administrators. 7,000 voters took part in this year’s decision.
HLB PROXY had two strings to its bow for 2015:
Ditta Hlaváčková, Partner of HLB Proxy, in the category of individual income tax
Magdaléna Vyškovská, tax advisor of HLB Proxy and winner of the category of international taxation in 2010 and 2013 in the same category

Ditta commented: “It is an award for the whole company and it is thanks to everyone’s hard work and I am very pleased to have won in the face of such tough competition. It is the best way to promote HLB in the Czech Republic.”
Ditta is a Member of the Board of Directors, a European VAT Club member, tax advisor and Tax Partner at Proxy
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