

The Ugandan economy has tremendous potential. The country has emerged from historical Political instability and the economy began to stabilise in the 1990s – with GDP growing at an average of 6.5% a year between 1990 and 2015.

The government has focused on infrastructure development. A major airport is situated 25 miles south of Kampala at Entebbe, near Lake Victoria. Construction of a second airport, at Kabaale in Uganda’s western region, began early in 2018. Once complete, the airport is designed to facilitate the development of an oil refinery capable of producing 60,000 barrels a day.

Uganda is the continent’s second largest producer of coffee, which accounts for around 17% of exports. Other important exports include cotton, tea and tobacco. In recent decades, fruit, vegetables, vanilla and fish have become important exports. Not necessarily for exports, Uganda is the second leading producer of bananas in the whole world.

HLB Uganda is one of the leading firms providing audit and assurance, public financial management, consultancy, accountancy, capacity building, tax advisory, social and business research, baseline studies, and management consulting services within Uganda and across Africa.

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