

The westernmost nation in Africa, the Republic of Senegal is bordered by Mauritania, Mali, Gambia, Guinea and Guinea-Bissau. The country’s official language is French.

Senegal has few natural resources and the country is dependent on foreign aid, which accounts for around a third of government spending. Around 78% of the country’s workforce is engaged in farming. Agriculture is susceptible to variations in rainfall and changes in commodity prices.

The country’s primary principal exports are oils, cement, gold and phosphates. The country’s primary export partners are India – which receives over a quarter of Senegalese exports – Mali and Switzerland. Important industries include textiles, food processing, cement manufacture, chemical engineering and petroleum refining.

Senegal has much to offer foreign investors – the country’s transport and communications infrastructure are excellent by regional standards. Dakar, Senegal’s capital, enjoys an excellent strategic location on the Atlantic coast. The city is an important regional hub for transport and shipping.

The Senegalese road system is extensive by West African standards, and paved roads are found throughout the country. Senegal is served by Dakar-Yoff International Airport.
Tourism is growing rapidly – Senegal boasts one of the best developed tourist infrastructures in Africa. Traditionally dependent on visitors from France, in recent years, Senegal has made an effort to tap new tourist markets, and has advertised in the UK, Spain and Italy.

Based in Dakar, HLB Senegal offer a variety of world-class professional services to domestic and foreign investors.

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