

Mauritius is an island nation, located in the Indian Ocean, 1,000 miles east of Madagascar. The country’s capital, and largest administrative city, is Port Louis. English and French are the nation’s official languages.

Mauritius is proud of its democracy – arguably the most successful in the developing world – and its free market economy. In 2013 the Index of Economic Freedom rated the country the 8th freest economy in the world. Mauritius’ history of good governance is one of its best selling points – the island has one of the soundest legal and commercial infrastructures in Africa.

Services account for around 73% of national GDP. The Mauritian economy is based on tourism, financial services and textiles.

The government has had some success in encouraging diversification, promoting free trade zones and sponsoring emerging industries, such as Information Technology, business services and seafood processing. The 3rd most popular holiday destination in the region, Mauritius is fast becoming a major tourist venue. Recently the government has set up a special council which will drive Artificial Intelligence as a new industry and the Island which owns an Exclusive Maritime Economic Zone of more than 2 million square kilometres is poised for a major investment of its ‘Blue Economy’.

HLB Mauritius is one of the leading audit and consultancy firms in the country and offers a comprehensive range of accounting, audit, global business structuring, taxation, business and financial solutions.

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