

A landlocked country in west Africa, Mali is the 8th largest state in Africa, with a land area of over 1.2 million square miles.

Mali has tremendous economic potential, chiefly in mining and agriculture, livestock, and fish. In common with many African nations, the population is young – around two-thirds of Malians are under 25 years of age.

The most fertile land is found on the banks of the Niger River, the Inner Niger Delta and the Sikasso region. Agricultural activities occupy 70% of Mali’s labour force and account for 42% of GDP. Cotton and livestock make up 75%–80% of Mali’s annual exports.

Gold accounted for around 80% of mining in the mid-2000s, while there remain considerable proven reserves of other minerals not currently exploited. Gold has become Mali’s largest export, after cotton—historically the backbone of Mali’s export industry—and livestock.

In recent years China has invested heavily in Mali, and Chinese-Malian joint venture companies have become commonplace. Chinese firms have invested in textiles and large construction projects, including a major international conference centre, and the new national stadium.

Our HLB West Africa team represents clients in Mali and offers a wide variety of professional services to businesses seeking to invest in West Africa.

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