

The Kingdom of Jordan is situated in the Middle East, and shares land borders with Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Israel and Palestine. One of the most liberal states in the Middle East, the Jordanian economy is commonly regarded the most sophisticated in the Arab world outside of the Gulf states

According to an investment survey, Jordan ranked as the 9th best outsourcing destination worldwide. Amman, Jordan’s capital, has been voted one of the top 10 cities in the world to launch a tech start-up and is keen to encourage its emerging reputation as the “Silicon Valley of the Middle East”.

The country’s economy is founded on fertiliser exports, tourism, foreign aid and overseas remittances, primarily from Gulf states. The USA and Saudi Arabia are the Kingdom’s most important export partners. Mining, chiefly for phosphates and potash, remains an important source of export revenue. Textiles and pharmaceuticals are other important export industries.

HLB’s local firm in Jordan was founded in 1965 and is one of Jordan’s oldest and best-regarded accounting firms, serving both domestic and foreign clients through a full range of accounting services.

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