
Central African Republic

The Central African Republic is a landlocked state bordered by Chad, Sudan, South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The CAR enjoys an excellent strategic location, and as such has tremendous potential as a base for regional investment.

Though the CAR remains one of the poorest countries in the region, international firms are starting to invest in the CAR, and it’s easy to see why. The country has significant (and largely untapped) mineral deposits – principally uranium, gold and diamonds – and surveys have suggested the presence of oil on the country’s border with Chad.

However, investors face challenges: infrastructure is patchy, especially in rural areas. Rivers remain the country’s primary means of industrial transit – paved roads are rare, and the country has no railways. Timber is another important industry, bringing in 16% of export income. Owing to transport costs, the government is encouraging companies to produce plywood, which is lighter, and thus easier to transport.  Diamonds are the country’s chief export, accounting for around 54% of export income.

HLB Central Africa represents clients in the Central African Republic and has years of experience operating in the region. HLB Central Africa’s offices offers investors an effective, multi‐talented staff, who pride themselves on offering a world‐class service to clients.

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