

Honduras, strategically located in the heart of Central America, is bordered by Guatemala to the west, El Salvador to the southwest, Nicaragua to the southeast, the Caribbean Sea to the north, and the Pacific Ocean to the south.

The economy relies heavily on a range of exports, notably apparel, bananas, and coffee. However, it has emerging sectors in agriculture, textile, light manufacturing, sustainable tourism, and business services. It is also Central America’s second largest coffee producer.

The gross domestic product (GDP) composition by sector is: service 57.8%, industry 28.4%, and agriculture 13.8%. The United States-Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) entered into force in 2006 has helped foster investment in this country. The economy expects to register positive economic growth in 2019.

HLB provides accounting services, tax work and audits to both public and private sector companies in Honduras and internationally.

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