E-Commerce and VAT: How can you prepare for new EU legislation?

On 1 January 2021, changes to e-commerce legislation in the UK came into effect. Following on from these, on 1 July 2021, the EU will change the VAT-legislation on e-commerce, bringing in a new set of rules, with different implications for distance sellers acting from within or outside of the EU. If your business is engaged in e-commerce, it is likely that it will be affected. During this webinar held on on 18 May 2021 our speakers highlighted the changes and what they mean for your business and clients.
Ludmila Frangu, HLB Spain
Karin Korte, HLB Germany
Maria McConnell, HLB UK
Gianluca Panizza, HLB Italy
Pieter Tielemans, HLB Netherlands

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