Bettina Cassegrain

Global Director of Professional Standards and Sustainability Assurance 

About Bettina Cassegrain

As the Global Director of Professional Standards and Sustainability Assurance of HLB, Bettina is responsible for the network’s quality assurance program, which guarantees compliance with Forum of Firms requirements. She has developed a pragmatic approach to training and development within HLB and leads outreach initiatives on training and quality assurance related matters in Europe, Eurasia, French-speaking Africa, Latin- and South America and the Caribbean. Bettina represents HLB as a member of the Transnational Auditors Committee which serves as the official link between IFAC and the Forum of Firms and has been a member of the Agenda Committee of the Forum of Firms since early 2016.

Bettina is also the Chair of the HLB’s French Federation and played an instrumental role in the foundation of HLB’s Indirect Tax and Agriculture services groups. Since 2012, she has been a speaker at both national and international conferences on audit, business development and practice management issues.

Bettina is a multilingual business development and audit specialist, focused on connecting international businesses with professionals in the fields of audit, taxation, payroll and HR, to guarantee a tailor-made and seamless 360-degree service offering. With her experience in servicing wide range of clients and industries including manufacturing, distribution, constructions and charities she provides an excellent assistance to clients in finding partners all over the world.

Areas of expertise


Financial reporting


Corporate Tax

Qualifications and memberships

Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)

Member of the Ordre des Experts Comptables in France

Member of the Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes in France

Articles by Bettina

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