Dominican Republic
Fiscal measures associated with COVID-198 April 2020
The Dominican tax authority (DGII) has instituted the following measurers in relation to the coronavirus pandemic:
- Extending the deadline for filing and paying obligations related to income tax and the “simplified tax regime” (RST) from 29 May 2020 to 30 April 2020 (depending on the type of tax);
- Taxpayers that owe additional tax after having filed their income tax returns will have the ability to pay the outstanding liability in four instalments (interest free);
- Instalment payments of value added tax (VAT) owed for February 2020 will be permitted;
- Currently active instalment payment arrangements will be reduced by 50%, and the previously agreed-upon deadlines and number of instalment periods will be duplicated;
- Taxpayer will be provided relief from penalties and interest on outstanding tax obligations;
- Application of the corresponding rate from advanced pricing agreements (APAs) for the hospitality industry is suspended.

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