Edelfried Schneider Appointed President of Accountancy Europe

16 December 2016

Prof. Dr. W. Edelfried Schneider was appointed as President of Accountancy Europe, formerly the Federation of European Accountants (FEE).

He has been a board member of the Brussels Association, which unites 50 professional auditing organizations from 37 countries, since 2013. He will hold the position for the next two years. 

“As Deputy President, I was able to represent the interests of almost a million professional persons in the last two years and now I am looking forward to continuing this work as the person with primary responsibility”, Schneider said. 

A priority task during his term in office will be to counter the rapidly increasing bureaucratization of the European industry by the EU. Another central task he sees is to advance the digitization of the auditors’ work as best as possible.

Prof. Schneider is Managing Director of HLB Dr. Dienst & Partner and an Executive Committee member of HLB International.


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