

Three African states bear the name of ‘Guinea’, a traditional name for west Africa. Guinea-Bissau is distinguished from its neighbour Guinea by the addition of its capital city, Bissau.

This small country is remarkable for its diversity – a wealth of native languages are spoken, including Portuguese – the country’s official language. The majority ethnic group are the Fula, comprising 28% of the population, followed by the Balanta (23%) and the Mandinka (15%). Guinea-Bissau shares borders with Guinea and Senegal.

Guinea-Bissau’s primary exports are cashews, coconuts and Brazil nuts. Other exports include frozen fish, seafood and timber. Almost all of Guinea-Bissau’s exports are destined for the Asian market – primarily India, China and Vietnam. European regulations prevent the exports of fish and nut goods from Guinea-Bissau to Europe.

In 2015 the government of Guinea-Bissau held an investment conference in Brussels. The government declared a plan the ‘New Start’, with a focus on investment in infrastructure, industrial development and urban development. Investors in Guinea-Bissau will find a country looking to a brighter future.

Our HLB West Africa team represents clients in Guinea-Bissau and is one of the region’s pre-eminent consultancy firms.

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