

Situated in the heart of Europe, Hungary is one of the region’s leading FDI economies.

Hungary boasts a superb strategic location and excellent business infrastructure -Budapest, Hungary’s picturesque capital, is fast becoming one of central Europe’s foremost financial hubs. Most FDI is invested in the services sector, primarily in finance, telecommunications and retail.An export-oriented economy, Hungary’s chief trade partners include Germany, Austria, France and Italy.

A member of the EU since 2004, Hungary retains its own currency, the forint. There are many reasons to consider investing in Hungary. The country offers investors a diverse economy (the 14th most diverse in the world, according to the Economic Diversity Index) and a skilled, multilingual workforce.

The service sector contributes around 64% of Hungary’s GDP. Around 150,000 Hungarians are employed in tourism. Budapest alone welcomes around 3 and a half million visitors annually. Industry – dominated by mining, machine manufacturing and steel production –accounts for around 31% of GDP. Other important sectors include food processing, electronics and textiles. In addition, the country enjoys a reputation as a favoured destination for car manufacturers, with Mercedes, General Motors and Audi all establishing factories here in recent years.

HLB Hungary serves clients that typically include successful businesses that have proven themselves on the international market.

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